Wednesday, May 11, 2016

March and April progress

Hello all!

I know it has been quite a long time since I have updated everyone on our renovation progress, I was holding off because I was waiting for the however the bathroom is still not done, more on that later!

The biggest change so far has been the kitchen, I hate to walk everyone down a very ugly memory lane but this is what we started with back in January.

Gross. So dark and dated! As I mentioned before we decided to do a PHASE ONE kitchen reno, this is by no means a finished project but we wanted to spend less than $200 in this room just to make it an attractive and enjoyable space until we save to get new cabinets, counters and appliances. So we bought paint, tile and a new light fixture for the kitchen and that is ALL.

Sorry about the KW booty shot, but this is the only in progress photo I have. 

 This is just what a little paint can do, The paint for this room was under $50 and it CHANGED MY LIFE. I used the leftover trim paint to paint my cabinets, bought new hardware for 25$ and painted the hinges with metallic spraypaint and sealant (you cant even tell). 

You can see in this picture was laying out our tile choice to see how it looked, It was between that and plain white subway tile, I was originally sold on the white but changed my mind to this dark grew/brown subway by alan and roth. I had to put some color in there, Kyle was making jokes that our kitchen was so white it looked like a hospital room. 

After tile and a good cleaning up, I thought phase one was done, but it wasn't. I couldn't stand seeing those nasty counters up against my new tile. I knew even cheap laminate counters would be a dumb decision because eventually we are just going to rip them out and put stone in. I looked into those counter refinishing kits and there was no way I was paying $200 to work that hard, plus it didn't fit into the phase one budget. I thought about spray paint but its too messy. My solution is CONTACT PAPER (the website says $7 a roll but mine was $5 in store). I read up on this idea, trying to see if anyone had experience with it, people said they infact had done it and it had lasted at minimum a year and a half. You can't set hot things directly on it and you obviously cant use knives directly on it either. No problems there, I'm used to using a cutting board and hot pads.

I'm telling you right now it was a pain in the behind. I couldn't have done it alone, it is for sure a two person job. I didn't take pictures of the progress because it is pretty self explanatory- peel and stick. I used a paint stick to smooth it down, a pin to pop any air bubbles and my Walgreens card to get into tight spaces.  You for sure need to take your time around the sink, that alone took me 45 min. I am so happy with the results! I think it makes a huge difference and makes the kitchen more attractive.

We still have one more project in the kitchen and thats adding beadboard behind the open shelving. I didn't cover this section of counters because I don't mind the color and I wanted a place to set my crockpot and not discolor my new "granite."

The next few pictures are just a general update of small projects around the house!

I wish I had a before picture of this bathroom (the only bathroom we have right now)! We will probably only redo the floor in here, but that mirror unit was THE WORST. It had two yellowed plastic lights attached to the side. We simply took the mirror off, capped off the wiring, removed the lights, rehung the mirror and installed brighter lightbulbs above! And Ta-Da. Updated bathroom in 30 min or less.

This is my new Ikea couch, I saved like a crazy person for it for almost a year straight and before that I had saved for a new couch which we decided against at the time and used the money to pay off a credit card which felt SO MUCH BETTER! Now that we have almost paid off all credit card debt we thought it was an ok time for me to put my hard earned cash to what I really wanted. A COUCH. This is the ektorp in Nordvalla Dark Beige (a dark gray brown).

I'm in no way trying to brag but we have paid for all of these renovations with cash, not because we are rich but because we have been trying to get out of debt following Dave Ramsey Financial Peace. Alot of times it means moving at a slower pace and saying "no" or "later" to bigger projects. This is why our bathroom isn't done yet, we had lots of things come up and the tile for the shower and bathroom mirror just weren't in last months budget. We love working on our house but we would never want to go house poor.

These are Ikea Frames and Sam's Club prints (the prints are HUGE and only cost me $15, I love Sam's photo department don't even get me started). I think this project was $80, which isn't bad for such a big statement.

I painted my front door AGAIN, and by I, I really mean Kyle.
This color is a Sherwin Williams blue green color. It was a much needed pop of color.

That adorable little W is my favorite thing. I love a good monogram and my front door was no exception. Before we move outdoors, know our house needs a good power washing. Don't judge. It's in the garage I just haven't gotten to it yet!

Our house number sign fell off in the storm so I have to figure out a better way to attach it. 

New porch lights were just what we needed to push this house into the 21st Century, that and new iron railing, but that will come later. 

I adore our patio, we are out there all of the dang time, we love playing games outside, and eat most of our meals on weekends out there! We are also going to be updating the patio railing and the awning company is supposed to be coming by to instal the awning that came with the house....if its ugly its coming right back down, we haven't even seen it yet.  

 The den area hasn't been touched, I haven't even changed out the curtains yet. All in good time. It functions great for us now! 

 My office was a big change, I love how much light is in this room. I didn't know how much I would like it until I cleared out all the JUNK we were keeping back there. I got rid of boxes upon boxes of things I don't need anymore. I am trying to transition to minimalism, not having cluttered spaces and keeping only what I love. It has been so freeing! 

We FINALLY put our bed up on a frame and lifted it a little, I bummed these tiny antique side tables off of my mom because they fit PERFECT in the space. I still have some projects in this room but again, I'm always drooling over the light in this room. 

So many changes! I can't wait for the next update because that will mean I have a bathroom with a mirror and vanity to get ready in!


Sarah & Kyle